This is a question I answered recently on a forum, that I’ve seen variants of so much over the years… so I’m answering it here. “I have recently broken up with my partner of several years. I have always… Continue Reading →
Before I get to the obvious – this was something raised to me as a question as a suggestion for a blog. The backstory goes as follows. “There was a Mistress who made some posts about being poly and celebrating… Continue Reading →
Another agony aunt topic which I’ve taken from a paraphrased version of a very common topic. This time about when a subs circumstances have changed. “I have been in service to a Domme who works Professionally. Due to a change… Continue Reading →
This was a specific email I’d been sent for advice on a scenario. I’m sure many have possibly had the same hypothetic concern, or, similar may have happened to them. This is my take. The query relates to a session… Continue Reading →
A couple of messages (some of specific scenarios, some generally being a form of FAQ) has led me to start a new Agony Aunt category. Consider that my advice is based solely on my experience. I want to start with… Continue Reading →
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