Whilst none of us have a crystal ball, I think one of the next things to come to terms with is that restrictions to cope with the covid19 outbreak are not here for the short-term.
I appreciate a lot of the posts of optimism, but it’s important to also prepare for reality.
There’s a nice upbeat meme on Facebook.
Imagine when lockdown is over – we’d all be running outside our houses, hugging each other. Ringing Nan to say, “Pop the kettle on I’m coming over”. Imagine that first pint in the pub.
So on.
It’s a nice feel good fantasy.
Truth be told.
It’s gonna be phased for sure. And there’s ways I see this playing out.
(whilst this is UK-centric. I imagine other countries will have similar trajectories)
Every few weeks a review on current measures. In the UK the next one is expected week commencing May 4th.
At some point, the announcement is going to be some form of ease to restrictions.
This could include something, like;
– non-essential shops may open if social distancing observed.
– bars/restaurants can re-open on a strictly limited capacity basis.
– social gatherings with friends and family so long as in groups no more than whatever, and an encouragement to keep these infrequent.
– limited reopening of schools.
It doesn’t really matter what they are and when.
At some point sessions will resume
At some point somebody is going to look at one of the changes to the restrictions and feel this now means they can offer/advertise sessions.
This is going to divide some opinion. Regardless of their reasoning, whilst there will be some subs/clients who jump at this opportunity some might feel they can’t quite take the risk.
Other Dommes/providers might also follow suit, but some will not. Some may end up in online arguments as of whether it’s ‘too soon’ and ‘irresponsible’.
It might be someone has the want to resume, but a local premises has not yet reopened.
There will of course still be risk in the air. Clients might be nervous about booking with too much notice for fear they or the provider develop symptoms before the meeting or whether the government will re-announce restrictions.
Anyone relying on public transport or hotels may find options are limited.
We may even be in a scenario involving mandatory spot checks which brings it’s own insecurities.
Parties aren’t certain to be packed
Inevitably, someone will announce an event or party but then be a little surprised uptake isn’t what they expect. This could be everything from the uncertainty of the prospective attendees, any regional restrictions. Plus of course anything like public transport and accessibility.
That for some the idea of going from being quite isolated to suddenly many people all at once would be quite daunting.
Perhaps even someone will announce an event or party and have to cancel last minute due to a key organiser showing symptoms.
Online success means a rush to real time may not be needed
Obviously, right now, a lot of people who relied on real time sessions and meets for revenue have switched to online means.
This could have it’s perks in the sense that there’ll be less of a need to hurry back to meets above own preferences. So that perhaps only close or known clients can have a booking accepted.
Will clients habits change?
There’s also questions over clients behaviour. Whilst I’m sure some will be pretty hungry to get back out. Some, having now gone a long period of time without, may question their own enjoyment.
Whether they want to go back to doing sessions at all. Or if perhaps someone they were seeing regularly was right for them.
That’s also not to say, whether the desire is there but that their situation has caused their own finances to be trashed.
The things we took for granted
I think, within this. There’s a lot we can kinda look at some stuff we potentially took for granted.
Perhaps we put off seeing a Mistress and now, well, especially if it was someone specific you had in mind, who knows when that chance will come again.
That, the other side of things she might not wish to jump straight back into sessions or have her own priorities (that even in kink terms, owned subs and close clients).
Perhaps we put off going to a munch or event in a “it’ll be there next month” basis and, unexpectedly, it was not. And there’s no indication of when they’ll be back. (Even an organiser wishing to reorganise needs a pub ready to reopen)
But also. Somewhat.
It wouldn’t be terribly unfair of me to say that sometimes subs/clients can be taken for granted.
Obviously there is a line with entitlement, for sure. But, if you never got round to inviting them to something you’d said you’d do with them or deferred them from one opportunity with a carrot for “next time” then this is going to be a long period without seeing them especially if you probably could have done something with them.
Prioritising these
I hope that these are things can be sought to look at as a priority when it becomes possible again.
With things being so uncertain, sometimes it’s best to take things one day at a time rather than looking at scenarios where, well, anything could happen.
But, certainly, it’s a good time to start thinking about planning towards the hypothetical things you said you’d do.
It’s also of course possible to think realistically towards the future – that something you are banking on happening is possibly further away than you think and it’s important to consider options until then.
But, remember, there’s a twist in the future
I guess a potential twist in the old plot is that come the end of the year we’re out of the Brexit transition period… as things stand this means visas would be needed for international filming/sessions. Certainly would make things like the OWK very expensive. But – well – that’s a story for another day.
Things will return to “normal”, for sure. But not with a big bang but a slow trickle.
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