One thing I enjoy about a lot of the things I get involved in is that absolutely anything can come from anywhere There’s stories I haven’t told – maybe one day I will, in the wrong order. But, the idea… Continue Reading →
Back in January, I wrote a blog post which was a story based on something which happened, which focused on a moment and a mood. In my post it’s a long post which reflects over something which probably only took… Continue Reading →
I read an interesting blog the other day by Nikki Whiplash entitled ‘Are you Lifestyle’ (link) and it pretty much was a humorous rant about the question that gets asked of Pro Domme’s far too often. Being “lifestyle” and being “Professional” are… Continue Reading →
Over the past few weeks I’ve been really enjoying a radio show on the station Adam Green’s Asylum is Mon-Thu between 9pm-11pm. This is, effectively, a kink-friendly radio station. Presented by Adam and ‘The Other Bloke’ (Bossman, or, Bitchman,… Continue Reading →
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