Journey and Opinions of a BDSM Kinkster


content share

10 Tips for a Content Share Shoot

Content share shoots are extremely common.
In these two (or more) performers/creators/whatever-we’re-called-this-week come together and pool resources, share workload, and split costs in order to produce clips.
The collaborative approach is also often a way to be introduced to someone else’s fanbase, which can give a publicity boost.

However, content share shoots can also be a source of frustration. For example if someone feels that what they got out of the day wasn’t representative of what they put in, or confusion over the release of clips.

There are also a lot of inexperienced chancers who try to gain kink or sex under the guise of “content share shoot”.

My following tips and suggestions are non-exhaustive.  But, should help create a successful shoot.

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